Idahome...for a Minute

Touchdown in Boise...after being informed "Boise is notorious for turbulence and to make sure seatbelt are SECURELY fastened." Can I just ask, since when have we been NOTORIOUS for turbulence? I can only remember that being an issue within the last two years. Anybody else notice this as new, or was I oblivious the first 30 years of my life?...

Airports: Comings and goings
I travel pretty frequently...if I haven't been on a plane in a couple months I start to get a little stir crazy. It's not something I ever would have guessed would be such a big part of my life, but slowly between my last big work position and volunteering with LWML on a national team, and an increased interest in international travel, I found myself increasingly in an airport. Wheels up, wheels down is just part of the routine today.

Most of my trips I'm traveling solo, and my house is closer to my home airport than any of my friends and family, so I have gotten very comfortable with the "call an Uber" portion of my flying home routine. The arrivals section, people with signs and large welcomes for returning military personnel, has typically been a spectator sport for me. This trip, however, as we were taxing to the gate, I had a friend who recently moved closer ask if I needed picked up. With four bags...which was already a spectacle trying to get ON the plane...I was surprised and relieved for the help! 

Thank you does not even begin to touch how much it meant to have that welcome home after so many days away. 

Zion Lutheran School in Nampa: Kids are the greatest
I was home, but had no time to unpack for the best reason. The kids at Zion have adopted me as their mission for offerings for the first quarter of this year and had asked me to come an present at Chapel, to share how their offerings would be going help share the word of God in Perú. I haven't been in front of too many groups of kids, so this is still a new experience for me. The kids at Zion were very generous with their attention and asked lots of great questions! I'm so thankful for their support and I'm looking forward to staying in contact with them as I get to Lima. Video chat has made connecting over great distances much more personal and I can't wait to share with them what it looks like to serve in Lima. 

Breakfast with the Beautiful Savior LWML Society
An invitation for breakfast with the Beautiful Savior LWML ladies warmed my heart after pretty much a month of not cooking for myself! Some of these ladies I have known for many years, others I'm just meeting for the first time, but Boise is my home so I feel connected to each of them already. Thank you so much for inviting me to share with you how God has called me to serve, and for your prayers, your coffee and your support. Hugs! 

A few days for laundry, and remembering where I put the towels, and it's back on the road. It's LWML Fall Rally season folks! Stay tuned...and see you in your zone...
