Sunday in Nicaragua

It was a gorgeous day in Nicaragua, and we were blessed to get to join the local congregation for service at the Lutheran Church of the Nicaraguan Synod. We walked in to hear beautiful singing as the service started and we found our seats. We were surprised and delighted to be joined by a number of a Canadian missionaries who had just arrived and would be working with the pastors at the seminary for the next couple weeks. 
Synod church      
Inside the church

  A quick tour of the grounds was offered and we happily accepted. They have several buildings for dormitories, offices and training rooms. Plus they grow produce, like plantains, bananas, limes, papaya, using the proceeds to fund ministries back at the seminary. 
Team w the plantain trees
  We had no planned event because it's is a day of rest, so after saying our farewells and making a quick stop to change out of our church clothes, we headed towards the Pacific coast for a nice meal at a restaurant on a cliff overlooking the beach. The food was fantastic, the view was breath-taking and the company was perfect. We had plenty of time today, so a few of us even took the opportunity to walk down to the water. The breeze was a welcome relief to the sweltering heat. 
Eating by the sea    

Back in town, we headed to the grocery store to pick up supplies for the next couple days of time in the field. While we were there, the rain came. And did it rain! But it was over quickly...and then we headed to the square to get ice cream next to the ice cream shop was a large yellow cathedral. 
Back at the hotel we prepped for tomorrow's field activities and had a group devotion. We are excited and anxious for getting back in the field. First, though, we shall rest! We are still missing the wandering bag, but we are making do. We are so grateful for your loving support and continual prayers. Thank you to everyone following along with us and checking in through messages and Facebook. 
