Day 5: Leon

The prodigal luggage has finally arrived!!! And to much celebration. We have renewed supplies just in time for our final day.
Prodigal Luggage
Today we were blessed to have women from two churches join us for a bible study on Priscilla. It was a young group so we had many small kids as well, which made things challenging but also gave us plenty of opportunity to hold the babies while the women worked on their prayer journals. 
Lorene with Baby
The children's group was small at first but once we started singing, they came running! We ended up with a big bunch of kids then were eager and excited to hear then bible stories we had for them. We brought them witness necklaces and puppets to help them learn the salvation story in an easy to share way.  
Lillian telling her story
Before heading back to the hotel, we took the chance to stop at the cathedral in Leon's city center. It was perfect timing with the sun setting and the storm clouds rolling in. Plus the square filled with people visiting. 
Top of the cathedral
A beautiful day (with no rain!) and a blessed time spent in the word with the women and children. We are exhausted, once again, as expected, but excited for the days to come. Buenas Noches.   
