Day 4: Chichigalpa

We had a much cooler start to the day today, thanks to the rain last night. But it was short lived. We were sweating and singing by mid morning. It was worth every drop though, today was a fantastic day.
Church in Chichigalpa
The women at the church in Chichigalpa were inspiring. Many of them were members of the church and we were blessed to have open discussions in small groups with our study of the woman at the well. It was so amazing to be able to share and learn God's word together in two languages. 
Women's small group
  In the afternoon session, the kids were ready to go! Lillian started them off with some fun action songs and they were so excited to learn the lessons we brought them. We had them trace their foot on papers that read "Caminando con Jesús (Walking with Jesus)" after washing Jesus washed the disciples' feet. We hung them on the wall of the church so they are able to come back and show them to their families.
As a team, this day was an encouraging. We are growing much closer to each fact we keep thinking we are missing people because our group feels so small. The wayward luggage should return from is vacation tonight, and just in time! We are so grateful for your thoughts and prayers. We know we can only do this work with your support. Goodnight from Chinandega! 
Learning is fun with parachutes!
