LWML Fall Zone Rally: Phase 1
Do you even Rally? After a few days at home, I was on the road again...off to Riverton, Utah with my LWML friends. Oh and HEY Colorado...I didn't forget you. Virtual presentations: so I can be in two places at once!
Utah Zone Rally in Riverton
It's a pretty fast drive to Ogden, where I was hosted graciously the night before the event. Some Spanish practice and a podcast or two and you're there! It was a blessed day with many women I've met over the last couple of years serving with the district or at district retreats, and of course some amazing new faces that I am happy to now call friends. Kicking things off right with a bible study entitled "God Above All Gods," it was a time of sharing and encouraging each other to stand firm in the truth that God is above all. A beautiful day, with a beautiful message. I was so honored to be invited to be there!
Virtual Presentation - Rocky Mountain Western Zone in Grand Junction, Colorado
Do you ever wish you could be in two places at once? I sure do! Especially when there are two amazing events happening on the same day and I'd been invited to speak at both. It's heart breaking to not be able to share in the joy of a Rally in person, but I did the next best thing I could think of...I sent my virtual self. A video of my presentation, so I could share with the ladies in Colorado even though I was in Utah. Thank you ladies for being willing to accept a virtual me, and for all of your prayers and support! I can't tell you how blessed I feel to know you are praying for my ministry. Blessing and hugs to each of you amazing ladies (and three pastors...I heard you were there too)!
There are more rallies to come and I'll be at the remaining three Zone events in Idaho in person. If you would be interested in a copy of my video presentation for an upcoming event, please email me at nichelle.dykems@lcmsintl.org. I would love to send virtual me if I can't be there in person!
Do you ever wish you could be in two places at once? I sure do! Especially when there are two amazing events happening on the same day and I'd been invited to speak at both. It's heart breaking to not be able to share in the joy of a Rally in person, but I did the next best thing I could think of...I sent my virtual self. A video of my presentation, so I could share with the ladies in Colorado even though I was in Utah. Thank you ladies for being willing to accept a virtual me, and for all of your prayers and support! I can't tell you how blessed I feel to know you are praying for my ministry. Blessing and hugs to each of you amazing ladies (and three pastors...I heard you were there too)!
There are more rallies to come and I'll be at the remaining three Zone events in Idaho in person. If you would be interested in a copy of my video presentation for an upcoming event, please email me at nichelle.dykems@lcmsintl.org. I would love to send virtual me if I can't be there in person!
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